Solutions for Property Management

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Facilities

Remote Temperature Monitoring

Commercial Refrigeration and Freezer Temperature Monitoring Systems

Remote Monitoring Systems for Laboratory and Pharmaceutical Operations

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Food Services and Production

Remote Monitoring Solutions for HVAC

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Data Centers and Server Rooms

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Green, Clean, and Renewable Energy

Remote Monitoring for Hospitals and Clinics

Remote Monitoring Systems for Logistics and Warehouse Operations

Remote Hotel, Airbnb, Motel, Resort, & Vacation Property Monitoring

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Financial Institutions and Real Estate Property Management

Remote Monitoring Solutions for Facilities Remote Temperature Monitoring Commercial Refrigeration and Freezer Temperature Monitoring Systems Remote Monitoring Systems for Laboratory and Pharmaceutical Operations Remote Monitoring Solutions for Food Services and Production Remote Monitoring Solutions for HVAC Remote Monitoring Solutions for Data Centers and Server Rooms Remote Monitoring Solutions for Green, Clean, and Renewable Energy Remote Monitoring for Hospitals and Clinics Remote Monitoring Systems for Logistics and Warehouse Operations Remote Hotel, Airbnb, Motel, Resort, & Vacation Property Monitoring Remote Monitoring Solutions for Financial Institutions and Real Estate Property Management

SEAMARC Solutions

SEAMARC is situational and environmental awareness, monitoring, automation, response and control.

Total Situational Awareness & Control.

Know everything about your facilities, business and home. Make decisions based on real-time and trending data.

Get real-time alerts and notifications. Monitor your facilities from anywhere.

How it works.

Our sensor platform is comprised of wireless sensors and sensor gateways. You can choose from 100’s of different sensor types. Sensor data is sent to the cloud, or your local network and visualized on mobile or dashboard applications. Boasting a 2000’ range from sensor to gateway, and a 5-10 year replaceable battery life, Seamarc solutions allow for fast deployment in diverse environments.

Access sensor data in real-time and make decisions based on accurate situational and environmental information. You can create rules-based actions such as SMS and Text Alerts, Emails or control and automation of equipment.